
The Futurola Knockbox 3

The Futurola Knockbox 3 is the future of joint mass production. Using a gentle vibration, the machine allows you to fill 100 pre-rolled cones in just 2 minutes. Insert your cones, hit the switch and let the Futurola Knockbox 3 do all the work.

Fill 100 Pre-Rolled Cones in 2 minutes with the Futurola Knockbox 3 + Standard Filling Kit

Knockbox 3 includes:
Knockbox 3 Base
Power Cord
Spill Tray
Wooden Box

Standard Filling Kit includes:
Standard Filling Device
36mm Mix Tray
Unload Station Plus (Standard/Reefer Size)
Wooden Box

Compatible with Standard Futurola Pre-Rolled Cones*:
1 1/4 Size 84/26
Slim Size 98/26 Pre-Rolled Cones
King Size 109/21 + 109/26 Pre-Rolled Cones

*Crown diameter ranging from 11-12.5mm

Fill Specialty Pre-Rolled Cones with Reefer Size, Party Size + Fatboy Filling Kits 
(sold separately)


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